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Hot Line:+86 0371-69067058 17319746126/15603905976
Address:No.38 Lijing Garden, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, China.
Tel:+86 0371-69067058
Fax:+86 0371-69067159


Happy New Year!
Date:2023/12/29 9:47:34

Dear Sirs:

Thanks for your concern and care for such a long time.

Our company has made a holiday plan for the upcoming New Year Public Holiday: 
New Year Public Holiday:  
December 30 2023 to January 1, 2024.
Resume normal work from:  
January 2,2024

Important business contact number :008617319746126

Addres:No.38 Lijing Garden, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, China.

TEL:+86 0371-69067058   MOB:17319746126/15603905976  EMAIL:info@kelaichem.com